Part I - Condition

A closer look shows cancer.  These will have to be replaced.

Most VW people will recognize this familiar site under the battery.

Drivers side floor pan with patches.  At bottom is ground clamp from welder.  At right are hard drive magnets for holding pieces in place prior to welding.

Both shock towers were rusted right through!  This will be replaced with a new adjustable beam so that we can dial in the ride height.

The spare tire well was a complete write off so it was cut out and made ready for a new one.

Here's some of the fender nuts cut out ready for new inserts.  We make our own inserts using heavy gauge sheet metal and 8 mm nuts and then run the tap through them.

This is my favorite part!  We had to replace the rear bumper mounts any way, so we made the rear apron removable.  Four 6mm bolts and it's suddenly easy to remove the engine.

Part II